Example Server (channel) Configuration File

In case you may have generated your channel configuration file before a change to the config generator, this is here to help you match yours up, ensuring that all sections exist. Below is how the file would be generated the first time you run the genconfig command as the server owner.

owner_id = your_discord_user_id
server_id = discord_server_id
bot_admin_users = NOT_SET
bot_admin_roles = NOT_SET
not_accepted_channel_id = NOT_SET
role_list = NOT_SET
enabled = False
assignment_channel_id = NOT_SET
welcome_channel_id = NOT_SET
member_join_enabled = False
leave_channel_id = NOT_SET
member_part_enabled = False
welcome_message = Welcome to {server}\'s Discord, {user}! Relax and have some fun! {emote}
part_message = {name} ({display_name}) has left the server.
assign_role_enabled = false
role_assignment_id = NOT_SET
bet_channel_id = NOT_SET
minimum_bet = NOT_SET
enabled = False
helpme_cooldown = 86400
helpme_minimum = 500
helpme_bonus = 100
enabled = False
api_channel_id = NOT_SET